Nurture Roots Scrabble Championship (Beginners)
Instructions :
ISC is the platform that shall be used for game play
Before sending any match request, please check that the settings are as follows:
Initial Time (minutes per game) = 24 minutes, (therefore each player gets 12 minutes)
Increment = 0
Challenge = Void
Dictionary = CSW 19 or SOWPODS (in case of Wordbiz)
Please check mark (tick) "noescape" and "rated"
Sign the fair play agreement
Make sure your setting permit you to receive match requests from opponents (check the rating range that you have permitted)
Add the opponents as buddies before game day.
To see whether your opponent is online, just check the buddy list. If they are online, you will be able to see them and send them match request. This will save you a lot of messaging in WhatsApp just to check whether your opponent is online to play.
In case your opponent is not accepting your match request, right click on buddy name and chose "observe" or just type "observe <buddy name>" in the command line to check whether they are involved in a game already or not. If they are involved in a game, see their remaining timer and try again after the lapsed time.
If you are searching for an opponent and he/she is not there prior to the allotted time, don't panic. For example, you have finished your game at 11:25 and want to start the next round with the next opponent but you can’t see them online, please wait till 11:30 (scheduled time) for them to return, maybe they have gone to the washroom. After 11:30 start searching for them.
Please check that the match request you receive has the above settings. In case it does not, then reject the request and coordinate with opponent to ensure that both you and the opponent are compliant.
If you start a non-compliant game, no rematches will be allowed and the scores from the played game will be considered.
In case there is a disconnection by opponent due to power failure or network issues
a. Click on adjourn (if it’s not directly visible, it would be under "actions" button on bottom right of board)
b. Wait for the opponent to send a Resume Match request after they reconnect.
c. In favour of sportsman spirit, avoid adjudication after few minutes but give full chance to opponent to overcome their logistical challenge.
If allotted game time & overtime (1 min) runs out for a player and despite higher score, they lose the game, the game will be counted as lost as per ISC declared result. While entering the scores in result form, enter as obtained from ISC. The organisers will reassign scores manually after cross checking and the winner will receive a +1 spread, irrespective of original score.
Everyone needs to send their results after every round , before commencing the next round. We will be sharing the link for the google form.
The google meet link for the day will be shared
Whatsapp group link – will be shared
Decision of the organisers shall be final
Last updated : 14.01.2021
Rounds on 17.1.2021
Round 1 (Friendly with Parents) - 2:00-2:30 PM
Round 2 - 2:40 – 3:10 PM
Round 3 - 3:15-3:45
Break - 3:45-4:00
Round 4 (Final) - 4:00-4:30
Result - 4:30-4:45
*Punctuality is requested
Results at end of tournament
Please inform the organisers in case you spot any error.